File descriptions
the contents of zip and pdf files

Brochure: Profiel van PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering    pdf-nl

Deze folder geeft een kort overzicht van de belangrijkste activiteiten van PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering.
Brochure: Algemene informatie over PRAGMA ADE    pdf-nl    pdf-en

Deze folder geeft wat algemene informatie over de dienstverlening van PRAGMA ADE met betrekking tot het vormgeven en onderhouden van papieren en elektronische documenten.
Brochure: Zijn uw documenten millennium-proof?   pdf-nl   htm-nl    pdf-en   htm-en

In deze folder wordt ingegegaan op de noodzaak handboeken op verantwoorde wijze te onderhouden. De mogelijke rol van PRAGMA ADE daarin wordt kort belicht.
Brochure: ConTeXt, een kort overzicht van de mogelijkheden   pdf   htm    pdf   htm

ConTeXt is een door PRAGMA ADE ontwikkelde omgeving voor het verwerken van (complexe) documenten. Dit systeem, dat is gebaseerd op de typografische programmeertaal TeX, is gratis beschikbaar voor derden. ConTeXt kan onder meer worden gebruikt om PDF documenten te ontwikkelen met een rijke functionaliteit. Op deze site zijn voorbeelden en handleidingen beschikbaar.
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Presentation: a stepwise introduction to PRAGMA ADE activities   pdf-nl   pdf-en

This presentation provides an overview of the diversity in activities of PRAGMA ADE. The activities are presented stepwise.
Presentation: some words on structuring documents   pdf-nl   pdf-en

Not seldom, PRAGMA ADE is presented with documents in non neutral formats. Invalid structuring of such documents complicated conversion. In this presentation we provide a few suggestions.
Presentation: some words on structuring documents   pdf-nl   pdf-en

Producing documents involves several steps. This presentation discusses some of the the steps needed to produce documents of avarage complexity.
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Article: Puzzling graphics in METAPOST   Hans Hagen    Fall 1997     pdf

MetaPost can be used for more than math oriented graphics. This article describes some macros for drawing arbitrary jigsaw puzzles and shifting puzzles. MetaPost can be fun!
Article: Een zwart-wit kijk op kleur   Hans Hagen & Johan Jonker    Voorjaar 1995    pdf

Wie tegenwoordig op een zwart-wit TV-toestel een uitzending volgt zal zich vaak tevreden moeten stellen met een weinig contrastrijk beeld. Na de introductie van de kleuren-TV is nog lang rekening gehouden met zwart-witkijkers. De keus van kleuren in decors werd mede afgestemd op de weergave in zwart-wit. Dit is niet verwonderlijk, omdat de zwart-witkijkers een ruime meerderheid vormden. Op papier lijkt zich een dergelijke ontwikkeling af te spelen. Voor kleurenprinters geschikte illustraties, kunnen op zwart-wit printers een matig beeld opleveren. Het is dan ook de vraag hoe we aan de 'wensen' van de overgrote meerderheid van zwart-wit printers tegemoet kunnen treden. In dit artikel reiken we enkele tips en suggesties aan
Article: Integrating TeX, MetaPost, JavaScript and PDF   Hans Hagen    Spring 1998     pdf

Due to it's open character, TeX can act as an authoring tool. This article demonstrates that by integrating TeX, MetaPost, JavaScript and PDF, one can build pretty advanced documents. More and more documents will get the characteristics of programs, and TeX will be our main tool for producing them. The example described here can be produced with pdfTeX as well as traditional TeX.
Article: Visual Debugging in TeX   Hans Hagen    Fall 1996    pdf

This article shows some features of the visual debugging module I wrote in 1996 as part of the ConTeXt macro package. This module visualizes the low level typesetting components, like boxes, skips, glues and fills. Although beyond the scope of this article, they also let surface some behavior that often goes unnoticed.
Article: The perfect match of TeX and Acrobat   Hans Hagen    Fall 1995     pdf

This paper was presented at the 1995 EuroTex meeting in Arnhem (Netherlands). A slightly shorter version was included in the proceedings. The article reflects the state of ConTeXt in 1995 related to PDF version 1.1.
Article: Typografisch Programmeren   Hans Hagen    Voorjaar 1996    pdf

In dit artikel wordt de ontwikkeling van een interactief document beschreven. De getoonde voorbeelden demonstreren de kracht van TeX als typografische programmeertaal. Omdat dergelijke documenten het moeten opnemen tegen (vaak dedicated) programma's, kan het ontwikkelen ervan worden omschreven als typografisch programmeren.
Article: The NTG MAPS bibliography, from SGML to TeX to PDF   Hans Hagen    Fall 1999    pdf

A few years ago the NTG decided to put their MAPS volumes on the internet in the PDF file format. At about the same time, it was decided to build the associated bibliography, in such a way that it could be used to produce both a HTML and PDF document.
Recently the MAPS bibliography has been converted to a proper XML document source. In the process the descriptions were made as consistent as possible. The XML source was used as input for a PDF document with extensive browse and search options. This PDF file, along with the MAPS articles, is provided to NTG members as an additional service.
In this article the electronic NTG MAPS will be presented and the specific characteristics of the production process will be explained. Also, some of the complicating aspects will be discussed. I assume that the reader is familiar with SGML and TeX. The focus will be on the interfacing between SGML, TeX and PDF.
Article: An introduction to the ConTeXt presentation environments (PDF)    Hans Hagen    Fall 1999    pdf

This article introduces the first collection of presentation styles for ConTeXt. These styles are part of the ConTeXt distribution and can serve as an example of defining layouts in ConTeXt.
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Paper: Elektronisch papier, de voortzetting van een traditie   Ton Otten    Mei 1997     pdf

In dit artikel wordt ingegaan op de elektronische tegenhanger van papier. Er wordt aandacht geschonken aan de kenmerken van elektronische documenten, het productieproces, de aanvullende functionaliteit en gerichte vormgeving.
Paper: Interactieve Teksten   Ton Otten & Hans Hagen    Maart 1995    pdf

Ontwikkelaars van opleidingen zijn voortdurend op zoek naar nieuwe en betere manieren om informatie over te dragen. De laatste jaren krijgt de computer daarbij een toenemende rol toebedeeld. In verreweg de meeste situaties wordt papier als informatiedrager gebruikt. Recente ontwikkelingen in apparatuur en programmatuur nodigen uit de voordelen van papier en computer te combineren in wat we noemen: interactieve teksten. In dit artikel wordt beschreven hoe een oud medium in een nieuw jasje wordt gestoken.
Paper: Examens a la carte, publiceren op maat   Hans Hagen & Ton Otten    Maart 1998    pdf

Binnen PRAGMA ADE loopt sinds 1995 het project IDFIX, een project waarin onder meer de elektronische middelbare schoolexamens worden uitgebracht. Een van de opbrengsten van dit project is 'examens a la carte', een interactief document met behulp waarvan docenten examens kunnen samenstellen.
Paper: Handboeken op de computer, een toelichting   Ton Otten    Juni 1995    pdf

Het onderhouden van omvangrijke handboeken kan worden vereenvoudigd door optimaal gebruik te maken van de mogelijkheden die de computer biedt. Daarnaast kan de computer een rol spelen bij het verspreiden van handboeken. Beide aspecten worden in dit artikel uitgewerkt.
Paper: Elektronische kwaliteitshandboeken, wegwijzer naar de snelweg    Ton Otten    Juli 1995    pdf

In dit artikel gaan we in op het elektronisch verspreiden van kwaliteitshandboeken. Deze handboeken kenmerken zich door een korte onderhoudscyclus gecombineerd met een vaak niet geringe omvang. Er wordt in dit artikel zowel aandacht geschonken aan verspreiding als aan onderhoudbaarheid.
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Archive: ConTeXt   zip

ConTeXt is a general purpose macro package written in the typographical programming language TeX. This archive contains the complete ConTeXt source and utility distribution. The TeX and Perl scripts are organized in the 'texmf' directory structure.
Archive: PPCHTeX   zip

TeX users can use PPCHTeX to typeset chemical structure formulas. This archive is only needed when you want a minimum PPCHTeX installation and is not needed when you already have the ConTeXt archive.
Archive: eXaMpLe   zip

This archive contains the eXaMpLe toolkit, the XML companion to ConTeXt and TeXExec. This toolkit provides a framework for document processing as well as a PDF based user interface to the tools. This is work in progress (and shows the future directions of ConTeXt).
Archive: Images   zip

Here you will find a few images that are used in the examples that we post to mailing lists and present in manuals.
Archive: TeXWork   zip

TeXWork is a TeX and MetaPost working environment written in Perl/Tk. This environment is tuned for large scale editing and provides fast file browsing, syntax highlighting, help information, and more. The ConTeXt project file structure is also supported.
Archive: how to install ConTeXt   pdf

When one uses teTeX, fpTeX, 4allTeX or TeXLive, installation of ConTeXt is a breeze. Nevertheless we provide some information on installing ConTeXt.
Archive: readme first   pdf

ConTeXt is free software, which does not mean that there are no restrictions on redistributing and changing the files. When you want to redistribute (changed) source code, please read this licence first.
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Up-To-Date 1998-001: PDF forms and widgets   screen    paper

ConTeXt has powerful support for PDF widgets. This document describes the way widgets are managed. This document shows that TeX can be used to typeset fill-in forms, enhance documents with pop-up help and tooltips, manipulate illustrations in several ways, etc. JavaScript and MetaPost is also covered.
Up-To-Date 1998-002: Chemical formulas   screen   paper

This document shows a large collections of chemical formulas typeset using PPCHTeX. The source code as well as the results are shown alongside.
Up-To-Date 1999-003: Flowcharts    screen   paper

This document presents the ConTeXt module that deals with flow (and related) charts. The charts are (run-time) drawn by MetaPost in close cooperation with TeX. This not only gives us rather good graphics, but also provides a seamless integration of flow charts in documents, including hyperlink support and other fancy features.
Up-To-Date 1999-004: Tabulation    screen   paper

ConTeXt has two table environments: table and tabulate. This document describes the second environment. Tabulations can be used for typesetting tables in the normal text flow. An important characteristic of this environment is that paragraphs entries are automatically broken across pages and the width of (multiple) paragraph entries are calculated automatically.
Up-To-Date 1999-005: Bibliographies   screen   paper

In preparation.
Up-To-Date 1999-006: Advanced Mathematics   screen   paper

In preparation.
Up-To-Date 1999-007: Typesetting Chinese   screen   paper

In this UpToDate we demonstrate how Chinese can be typeset in ConTeXt. In due time, and depending on the needs, support of languages that don't use latin scripts will be extended. Chinese examples are shown alongside their english counterparts.
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pdfTeX files: manual   pdf a4    pdf letter   pdf booklet   pdf screen

There are four versions of the pdfTeX manuals: three for printing and one for viewing. There is an A4 size and a letter size version as well as an A5 size booklet. The screen version is cross linked to the A4 paper document (click on the titles). The first page of the paper version is not an error, but a sort of joke. The source code of this document is also available. More information on pdfTeX can be found here.
pdfTeX files: 'pseudo hz' example   pdf

This file shows how pdfTeX implements a pseudo hz method of optimizing paragraph justification. The search for optimizing continues.
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PDF demo: 10-10-95    pdf

In October 1995 Dutch PTT Telecom introduced 10~digit numbering system. A year before the magic 10th of October the PTT started to inform companies of this major operation. In the process they also provided some databases which could feed programs for conversion purposes. One of this databases -- an one/two column list of old and new numbers -- proved to be very usefull input for a quite simple TeX script that produced an interactive document suited for manual renumbering. One may wonder if this is a text or a program.
PDF demo: grondwet nl   pdf screen   pdf a4

Every inhabitant of a country is supposed to know a bit about the basics of the laws in that country. This document summarizes the so called 'grondwet', the dutch constitution. There is a screen as well as a A4 paper version available. The screen version uses some softened dutch red, white and blue colors. These documents are in dutch.
PDF demo: fonttest   pdf

Acrobat version 1, 2 and even 3 are not always very tolerant to fonts that use non-standard encoding vectors. We decided to write the document when some of those problems -- think about disappearing accents, messed up font caches, spaces instead of characters and worse -- became too annoying. Although primary a testing tool, this document also shows different font families, including math ones. At the same times, this document is a first application of a sort of dynamic menus and/or mode switching. The is generated by some recursive macros, written in TeX and ConTeXt.

(currently non available)
PDF demo: rgb-cmyk   pdf

Using colors both on screen and on paper can be a very confusing. Especially CMYK specified colors pose problems, which is mainly due to the handling of the black K component. Sometimes a program removes underlaying back components and sometimes the black component is added to the color ones. Some programs diplay equally distributed color components as gray, others mimick printers in showing them brown. The CMYK colors are shown in their 'original' disguise as well as reduced to simple RGB components. As an alternative to RGB we also included HSB palletes. A private version also shows Pantone Colors.
PDF demo: cweb   pdf scr   pdf pri   pdf mac   pdf man

CWEB can be used for literal programming in the C language. CWEB consist of a few programs, Tangle and Weave, which from one source text produce a TeX document and a compiler ready file. The standard CWEB macro definition file is meant for Plain TeX. This file was not that hard to adapt to a ConTeXt module, thereby not only providing access to whatever layout suitable, but also making possible fully interactive documents. This demonstation file shows the sources of the CWEB programs. The screen version is cross linked to the paper alternative.
PDF demo: spell-nl   pdf

In 1996 the Dutch language spelling was reformed. This document gives access to list of 15.000 words that were changed in one way or another. The current version of this list uses the old hyphenation patterns but will be updated soon. This document is produced using a simple ascii word list. TeX itelf takes care of breaking the words up and also handles special accented characters. Of long words, only the last part is shown. This is a nice example of TeX's programming features.
PDF demo: ntg-maps   pdf

This document is not as TeXy as it should be, due to the fact that the SGML based input serves more than one purpose. Because this document uses some cross linked indexes, each record is processed in multiple passes, thereby making a reordering possible as well as a reinterpretation of the input. It's a sort of fun document, not of high typographical quallity, but useful in its being. This document also shows some feautures concerning backgrounds and ruled boxes.
PDF demo: ex-files (a la carte)   pdf

This document is a big one and several features are worth noting. First there are a lot of illustrations: click on one and you got an enlarged version. The fill in text questions are shown with and without solutions, close reading questions are accompanied by the relevant text fragnents, and when needed fragments of sentences are repeated. Lines as well as paragraphs are numbered and cross referenced. Questions are cross linked to answers, thereby offering simple drill and practice. A more recent version permits teachers to submit selections to our server. In return they receive A4 typeset examns and forms. This version is distributed by NijghVersluys.
PDF demo: calculator   pdf

The calculator demo resulted from playing around with JavaScript in PDF. This document offers a full featured calculator, enhanced with some graphics visualizing what calculations are done. The document was produced with pdfTeX. The TeX code, the JavaScript's, and the definitions of the graphics, are all collected in one document source.
PDF demo: travel   pdf

This form can be used to keep track of kilometers driven by car on behalf of the company. It's a sort of calendar too. The documents is clever enough to calculate the distances and totals. It's a big form with over 2000 fields.
PDF demo: clock   pdf

This is just another example of combining TeX, MetaPost and JavaScript into PDF.
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Documentation: ConTeXt beginners manual    scr nl    pap nl    scr en    pap en

Although meant for beginners, these manuals shows already a lot of what ConTeXt can do for you. They also demonstrate that TeX documents can be colorful and can contain lots of graphics. The zip files contain screen and paper versions.
Documentation: ConTeXt reference manual    scr nl    pap nl    scr en    pap nl

The reference manuals provide more detailed information on the ConTeXt functionality. Currently this manual is being updated. Only the screen version is available.
Documentation: ConTeXt reference manual (beta)   pdf paper   pdf screen

These are the new ones. A few chapters are still missing, but the new look and feel is there. Translations are under way.
Documentation: PPCHTeX Manual    nl    de    en

PPCHTeX is a relatively independent macro package that can be used to typeset chemical formulas. These manuals show how it's done.
Documentation: ConTeXt QRC    cz    de    en    it    nl    ro

These three files are cross linked to each other. They show most of the commands available in ConTeXt. In due time the distriptions will be completed.
Documentation: PPCHTeX FAQ   scr en   pap en   zip nl   pap nl   scr de   pap de

Because PPCHTeX can also be used in LaTeX, we provide some additional information. These documents also are a nice demonstration of simple but effective interactive documents.
Documentation: TeXExec manual   pdf

The TeXExec Perl script is included in the ConTeXt distribution. It provided TeX with a command line interface and hides some details of TeX-processing for the user. TeXExec supports format generation and page imposition.
Documentation: TeXUtil manual   pdf

The TeXUtil Perl script is used for converting the ConTeXt utility file. It takes care of sorting the index and does some checks. TeXUtil is included in the ConTeXt distribution.
Documentation: TeXWork manual   pdf

The TeXWork Perl/Tk script provides a TeX and MetaPost editing environment. It offers syntax highlighting, help information, basic syntax checking, partial processing, spell checking, convenient directory browsing and some more.
Documentation: Font manual   pdf

This manual covers font setup in ConTeXt. The manual explains in detail how to define typefaces and how to mix different font sets. Special features like hanging punctuation are also discussed.
Documentation: TeXFont manual   pdf

This manual covers the font installation script TeXFont. You can use this script to generate font metrics in several encoding vectors. The script can also install the fonts that you've bought in the TDS file structure (texmf tree).
Documentation: Flow Charts   pdf

The flow chart module is an example of combining the power of TeX and MetaPost. You can use this module to define charts in a descriptive way such that parts can be used, and or charts can be combined. The advantage of using this integrated approach (opposite to dedicated programns) is that you have the whole ConTeXt machinery available, like hyperlinks and embedded graphics. Also, by using this module, you have a proper match of fonts between graphics and text.
Documentation: Widgets   pdf

Widgets are interative elements in (screen based) documents. This manual describes how to use the reference mechanism for advanced hyperlinking, but also discussed how to construct forms. Adding text annotations and page transitions is also discussed.
Documentation: Color separation   pdf

This is a manual for those who are forced to deliver their typeset results color separated. The manual describes how to create an instance of a document in a specific color space and channel. Text as well as graphics are covered.
Documentation: SciTE in context   pdf

SciTE is an editor and this manual describes how to configure it for use with ConTeXt and MetaFun. The additional configuration files are part of the ConTeXt distribution.
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XML: XML in ConTeXT   pdf

ConTeXt has a build in (experimental and not yet complete) XML parser embedded in its core. This permits you to directly process XML documents. This document describes the interface.
XML: MathML   pdf pdf pdf
MathML is a specific kind of XML, meant for coding math. ConTeXt supports presentational as well as content markup. The manual covers MathML in general as well as specific tuning options as implemented in the ConTeXt MathML filter. There are three documents: the main manual, an example suite, and the module primer.

XML: PhysML   pdf
This piece of XML combines MathML and ConTeXt's units handler. You can use it independently or as an extension to MathML.

XML: ChemML   pdf
As a prelude to a more extensive support for chemical structure formulas coded in XML, we provide support for textual chemistry. This manual describes the interface and XML elements.

XML: Step Charts   screen paper

Step Charts are another example of TeX and MetaPost working hand in hand. You hav eto see them in order to understand what they are.
XML: MathML   screen paper

This module wraps the MathML drivers so that you only have to include one module. MathML itself is described in a separate manual.
XML: Figure Bases   screen paper

Instead of having many graphics on your disk, you can collect them in one file. The figure base module permits you to package graphics and operates on an XML database describing them. In ConTeXt, you can include graphics described in the database, as well as generate an interactive showcase of figures.
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MetaPost: MetaFun manual   pdf paper   pdf screen

This manual (you may call it a book) explains in detail how to use MetaPost in a TeX environment. The manual fully covers the MetaPost language and has many examples. The text is illustrated with a lot of graphics. Integrating graphics in TeX documents is covered too.
MetaPost: MakeMPY manual   pdf

MakeMPY is a Perl script and some macros that make it possible to create outlines from text typeset by TeX, that can be imported into MetaPost graphics. This toolkit uses pdfTeX, pdftops, pstoedit and GhostScript, and works with any TeX.
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Styles: presentation styles    zip

Although defining styles is not that complicated in ConTeXt, we distribute a few predefined ones. The first collection contains some presentation styles. These can be used to typeset (interactive) presentations in PDF format. The more presentations we give, the more styles there will be. The styles are part of the default ConTeXt distribution, but here we provide the typeset documentation.
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Third Party: Berends Emacs scripts   zip

These Emacs Lisp scripts written by Berend de Boer makes Emacs ConTeXt aware. Currently these scripts are dutch based, but Berend is willing to write support for other languages as well.
Third Party: Christopher Tipper   zip

This archive contains Christophers menu definitions that let WinEdt work well with ConTeXt.
Third Party: Ed Cashin   zip

If you ever run into troubles when installing ConTeXt on a UNIX system: here you can find some installation scripts and test samples.
Third Party: Sieps sample TeX documents    zip

Siep Kroonenberg has prepared a set of sample documents that demonstrate how users can influence the layout of a document. The graphic files needed are included in this archive. Don't forget to read the readme file.
Third Party: Taco's Perl/Tk scripts    zip

When we started to use Perl/Tk, Taco jumped in immediately and provided a few scripts that demonstrate the power of these tools. Just take a look.
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The big picture

This document is purely PDF based. It provides the big tour on ConTeXt: its features and what it is capable to do. This document also shows what interactive documents should look like.

PRAGMA ADE | Ridderstraat 27 | 8061GH Hasselt | Netherlands | | +31 (0)38 477 53 69
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